OK try to imagine this as I describe it because the girls in the house were cracking up when all this was going on.
Sara and I decided that she was going to paint our fingernails for Halloween so a few days ago we bought some nail polish while we were at Walmart. Early this morning around midnight, Sara came into my room to do my nails. So we're sitting there talking about what designs she could do while she's removing the old nail polish, and we decide that we need more colors...in particular, we wanted black. My hubby overhears this and says, "I'll go to Walmart and get your nail polish."
Off he goes at midnight in a t-shirt and his pajama pants with a list of 5 different colors to get.
Well women should know better than to send an analytical man to buy nail polish!
He calls on the phone...
Him: "What shade of blue?"
Us: "Something dark like a midnight blue."
Him: "I don't see anything called midnight blue...here go this this website and look at their colors and tell me which ones you want."
Us: "We trust you, just get a dark blue."
Him: "Can't you look at the website?"
Us (after looking at the website): "They don't show all the colors so just get a dark blue."
Him: "Well I can't find any black or green."
Us: "There was a display right there in the main aisle the other day with all kinds of crazy colors. Did you look there?"
Him: "Where?"
Us: "Right there in the main aisle by the nail polish."
Him (after finally finding the display): "Still don't see green or black."
Us: "OK go to the Halloween aisles right across from the cash registers...there was some there."
Him: "That area is blocked off because they're polishing the floor. Wait, I'll just go down the aisle, get up out of this electric cart, and stick my head aroud the end of the aisle to get to it."
Us: "OK honey you do that."
Him: "Well there's, orange, blue, purple, neon green but not dark green, and hot pink."
Us: "We don't want the pink."
Him: "I still don't have black."
Us: "Go back to the nail polish aisle, I know there was black there."
Him (after going back): "I see something called After Hours, but I can't tell is it's really black or not...it might be dark purple."
Us: "Find a woman and ask her."
Him (after finding a woman): "Does this look like black to you?"
Her: "No that has a hint of purple. Do you want solid black? Here this is black."
Him: "OK I got it, I'm coming home now."
Us: "OK honey don't forget the nail polish remover."
Sara and I were laughing hysterically through this whole conversation and Tara was in the other room saying that everyone was going to think Eric was a drag queen because only a drag queen would go out in their pajamas at midnight to Walmart to buy nail polish! Best laugh I've had in a good long time! So here are my Halloween nails?